Food Science and Engineering (FSE) is a peer-reviewed and open accessed journal publishing original articles, reviews, perspectives, letters, and short communications that reports novel research in food nutrition, security, technology, engineering and interdisciplinary studies. It aims to provide researchers, academicians and industry a forum for communicating advances and development of food science.
FSE identifies and discusses trends that will drive the discipline over time. The scope of topics addressed is broad, encompassing the science of food engineering, food nanotechnology, physical properties of foods, food quality and safety, food autenticity and tracebility, food packaging, nutrition research, shelf life, sensory science, storage and distribution of foods, chemistry, microbiology and biotechnology aspects of food design and operation of food processes as well as environmentally friendly food processing.more >><< retract
Journal of Bio-agriculture publishes original research papers, short reviews and reviews which contribute to the advancement of the agricultural, environmental and biological sciences. Journal of Bio-agriculture provides a platform for sharing the latest high-quality research that addresses issues concerning agriculture science, engineering technology included micro and macro scientific researches. The journal's scope encompasses scientific disciplines pertinent to biology, crop science, horticulture, animal science, food science and nutrition engineering, agricultural equipment engineering and mechanization, information and electrical engineering, water conservancy and civil engineering and other production projects with excellent traits. Also, the covered are related subjects in a wide range of sciences such as modern agricultural technology aspects of agriculture robot, agriculture big data, agricultural internet of things, precision agriculture. Articles on meteorology, biometry, and interdisciplinary nature of research in agriculture and engineering also belong to this scope of journal. more >><< retract
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