Fine Chemical Engineering is a peer reviewed and open accessed journal which is semiyearly published online. It is an essential journal for chemists, biologist, materials scientists, chemical engineers, physicists and others in related areas, which represents an advance on the latest and most important developments in design, production, manufacturing and application of fine chemicals, including medicines, pesticides, surfactants, synthetic dyes, pigments, additives, household chemicals, information chemicals, functional polymers and other specialty chemicals.more >><< retract
Home Submission Current Issue All IssuesSustainable Chemical Engineering (SCE) is an international and open access journal focusing on the latest technological advances and significant cutting-edge research in green chemistry and sustainable engineering with topics coverage related to reducing or eliminating the use of generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products. With aiming at providing a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on development of alternative green and sustainable chemical technologies, SCE ensures high visibility of your research results to a worldwide audience both in scientific community and chemical enterprises. You are kindly invited to submit your manuscript to SCE. Contributions of research articles, reviews, perspectives, case studies and short communications are mainly welcomed. more >><< retract
Home Submission Current Issue All IssuesUniversal Journal of Green Chemistry (UJGC) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of green, sustainable science and technology published biannually online by Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP). > fully open access - free for readers > currently, no article processing charge (APC) paid by authors or their institutions > double-blind peer-review > free post-publication promotion service by the Editorial Officemore >><< retract
Home Submission Current Issue All IssuesOrganic Chemistry Plus (OCP) provides an international and scientific platform for worldwide scholars and researchers from the chemistry and its related fields and aims to act as a focal point for informative and authoritative exchanges of important recent research in organic chemistry to stimulate the development and advancement of it. The publication of OCP is focusing on synthetic organic chemistry, the development of catalysts, selective syntheses and mechanistic studies (experimental or theoretical) that show methodological advances or provide novel insights into the course of chemical reactions. Manuscripts with elements of biological study, analytical chemistry, functional molecules and systems, or material science should demonstrate novelty in those aspects associated with the organic chemistry portion of the work being reported. more >><< retract
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