Applied Microbiology: Theory&Technology is an international, peer-reviewed, open accessed journal that publishes research articles, reviews, short communications, case studies on all aspects of microbiological research. Areas of special interest include but not limited to agricultural microbiology, food microbiology, environmental microbiology, microbial genomics, clinical microbiology, industrial microbiology and marine Microbiology. more >><< retract
Home Submission Current Issue All IssuesAdvanced Chemicobiology Research (ACBR) is a fully open-accessed, interdisciplinary journal with the aim to facilitate the latest and scientific research and discovery in the fields of chemistry and biology. The journal is primarily interested in studies that attempt to answer biological questions by directly probing living system at chemical level and studies that blend chemistry and biology in new ways, particularly those that provide major conceptual or methodological advances that are likely to open up innovative avenues of research in the field. more >><< retract
Home Submission Current Issue All IssuesAs an international peer reviewed and open access journal, Systematic Bioscience and Engineering (SBE) publishes high quality papers that present holistic and systematic study on bioscience and bioengineering. The journal provides an collaborative forum that integrates multiple scientific disciplines: biology, computer science, engineering, bioinformatics, physics and others to bioscientific community for publishing the latest advances of bioscience or biotechnological solutions to the world's most pressing issues.more >><< retract
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