Article Processing Charge
1. What is APC:
Universal Wiser published all journals in full open access under a Creative Commons (CC BY) license. This allows the scientific community and the general public to gain free and immediate access to scholarly articles, and to reuse the content freely provided that proper attribution is given to the original authors.
To cover the cost for providing our high-quality publishing service and free access to readers, authors pay article processing charge (APC) for manuscripts accepted after peer-review. There are no charges for rejected articles and no submission fee.
2. APC Covers:
● Editorial procedure: including administration related to internal editorial review done by our in-house scholars and external peer review done by our guest reviewer.
● Article production: professional language editing, copy-editing, type-setting, formatting and production in PDF, HTML and E-pub formats.
● Article hosting and dissemination: website maintenance, contact with indexing databases.
● Journal administration: including managing the journal website and editorial board, and promotion of the journal among the research community.
● Prize awarding: for appreciating those volunteer reviewers who have made great contributions to the manuscripts review to express our heartfelt thanks and sincere respect.
At Universal Wiser, overheads and management costs are kept to a minimum and none of the journal management, websites maintenance, articles production, or IT tasks are outsourced to third parties.
3. Discount Policy:
● For scholars who submit high-quality manuscripts, APC discounts or waivers can be applied to their submissions.
● For scholars who serve in our journal Editorial Boards, APC discounts or waivers can be applied to their submissions.
● For authors who are not able to pay the full APC, the application can be submitted to the journal Managing Editor, the discount or waiver will be then evaluated according to the paper quality.
Discount policies vary from journal to journal, please refer to the journal homepage for details.
4. Payment Methods:
● We accept payments in Euro (EUR) and US Dollars (USD).
●Currently, we mainly accept online payment by PayPal, other methods of payment can be discussed case by case.