《Transactions in Optics and Photonics》Newly Launched Journal Jun 18, 2024

We are pleased to announce the launch of Transactions in Optics and Photonics(TOP), a new open-access, peer-reviewed journal to publish the latest findings, advancements, and innovations in optics and photonics.


With the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Anjan Biswas, TOP is dedicated to maintaining high-quality standards through rigorous peer review processes, ensuring that the articles achieve significant impact and visibility.


The journal TOP welcomes authors to submit their original research articles, reviews, opinions, perspectives, and technical notes.


Aims and Scope


Modern & Quantum optics:

Optical susceptibility; Harmonic generation; Photon absorption and absorbers; Kramers-Kronig relations; Stimulated scattering; Phase matching methods; Plasmonics; Drude model; Quantum electrodynamics; Avalanche-breakdown model, etc.

Optical Solitons:

Supercontinuum generation; Magneto-optic waveguides; Metamaterials and metasurfaces; Differential group delay and Manakov system; Internet bottleneck control; Fractional temporal evolution; Gaussian beams; Soliton perturbation theory; Inverse scattering transform; Hirota's bilinear method, etc.


We invite you to explore and learn TOP Journal's basic information below.

Submission Guideline:


Editorial Team:



We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Editorial Board Members of TOP Journal.


If you are interested in becoming involved with TOP Journal, in any of its aspects, please contact editortop@universalwiser.com.