Congratulations on SCE’s 1st Online Editorial Board Meeting, Held in August 2024 Aug 23, 2024

Sustainable Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 2717-574X (Print) 2717-5758 (Online)) held its first online Editorial Board Meeting on 22 August 2024. This virtual gathering brought together our esteemed Editorial Board Members, whose dedication and enthusiasm in advancing the journal were clearly evident.


During the meeting, the Editorial Board Members engaged in a productive discussion on several key points, including the journal performance, aims and scopeAPC policy, Special Issues, and collaboration with the academic conferences. Particularly noteworthy were the insightful suggestions regarding applications for ESCI and Scopus indexing.


The engagement and insights shared during the meeting were invaluable, providing essential feedback, fostering candid discussions about manuscript quality, refining peer-review processes, and helping to formulate comprehensive strategies for the journal's future development.


The Editorial Office of SCE extends its sincere gratitude to each member of our Editorial Board for their unwavering support and invaluable contributions.


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