Thank you very much for your patience. So far so good. My collegues and I are happy with your services. Will consider publishing with you in the near future.
The publication process in the Food Science Engineering journal was relatively smooth and handled professionally. This is indicative of the journal’s commitment to disseminating top-notch research. My work “Microplastic Contamination in Food Processing: Role of Packaging Materials” was greatly improved by the editing team’s timely communication, explicit instruction, and insightful criticism by two esteemed reviewers. I am thankful for the journal’s dedication to innovation and scientific rigor. Food Science Engineering produces an open-access publication, i.e., important research findings can be shared with a broader audience, which increases their influence and visibility. To address urgent global challenges like microplastic contamination, accessibility is essential, and I am happy to be a part of this effort. I have had an excellent overall experience with the Food Science Engineering journal and am excited about our future work together.
Thank you very much for accepting and publishing my paper. It is a delightful experience to publish in your highly reputable journal.
It has been a pleasure to publish with Fine Chemical Engineering. The Editorial Team has been very helpful in guiding me through the associated processes. I suggest other authors consider this journal an outlet for their work. Very much appreciated.
This is the our first paper on FSE. The whole reviewing process was very simple and straightforward and the when questions arose the FSE Editorial Team gave very helpful guidance. Surely, we will advertise this journal to colleagues and consider publishing in the future.
I am thrilled to share that our paper, "Nurturing the Teaching Soul: An Investigation on How Participation in Online Communities and Social Networks Boosts Academics’ Well-being, Professional Satisfaction, and Resilience," has been successfully published online. The journal’s professionalism and timely handling of the entire process exceeded my expectations. The rigorous peer review process ensured the highest quality of scholarship and helped improve our paper significantly. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to publish with such a reputable journal.
Thank you for giving me a chance to publish with you again. I'm more than proud of the work we did this year (2024), and, even more of the work we did last year (as we published 3 articles together in 2023!). Indeed, I have only words of praise for you. After a long time of research, I finally found the journal to publish my research. Because of my positive experience, I will publish again with you. Of course, I have the scientific results that I wish to reveal to the worldwide scientific community, and, your journal is the right place to do so.
First of all, I would like to express my great satisfaction with the publication of our article titled "Determination of the Neophobia Levels of Students Studying in Gastronomy Departments at Higher Education Institutions in Northern Cyprus" in your journal. The professional approach and collaboration you demonstrated throughout the publication process played a significant role in bringing this work to life. The contributions your journal makes to the academic world and the scientific knowledge it brings to the field assure me that our work has found the right platform. In this context, I would be more than happy to collaborate with your journal again in the future.