A Newly Launched Journal: 《Industrial Bioresource Engineering》 Jun 26, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Industrial Bioresource Engineering (IBE), a new open-access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to advance and disseminate knowledge in all the related areas of biomass/waste and technologies associated with conversion or production at an industrial level and economical perspective.


Under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Prof. Grzegorz Piechota, IBE is committed to maintaining the highest standards through a rigorous peer review process, ensuring that all published articles are of significant impact and visibility.


IBE invites authors to submit original research articles, review articles, case studies, and short communications on the fundamentals, applications, and management of bioresources and their industrial applications.


Topics include but are not limited to:

·Conversion of bioresources (renewable) into biomaterials and composites, biochemicals, biofuel, biochar and bioenergy through fermentation and catalytic conversions

·Case-studies and benchmark reports on industrial applications of various bioresources and bioresource-derived materials

·Circularity aspect of Bioresources and bioresource-derived materials

·Sustainable production and consumption of bioresources

·Material and energy recovery based processes

·Downstream (bio)processing

·Technologies for biowastes/agricultural feedstocks to energy conversion

·Bio-Process optimization in industrial ascpect

·Application of artificial intelligence in biowaste management

·Resource recovery technologies at high technological readiness levels

·Hydrolytic and (bio)catalytical waste treatment technologies

·Environmental and risk assessment of industrial bioprocessing

·Modelling and systems analysis in bioresource engineering

·Green transition aspects of bioresource engineering 

·Carbon neutrality (trading and footprint) of bio-based technologies 

·Blockchain and advanced commercial approaches for bio-based technologies 


We invite you to explore more about IBE through the following links:

Submission Guidelines


Editorial Team



We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Editorial Board Members of IBE Journal.


For those interested in becoming involved with IBE Journal, in any capacity, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at editoribe@universalwiser.com.