
Viruses Can Steal Our Genetic Code to Create New Human-Virus Genes
Viruses Can Steal Our Genetic Code to Create New Human-Virus Genes

By The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Origin of Life: Which Came First?
Origin of Life: Which Came First?

By Weizmann Institute of Science

'Poisoned Arrow' Defeats Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
'Poisoned Arrow' Defeats Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

By Princeton University

New Light Shed on Intelligent Life Existing Across the Galaxy
New Light Shed on Intelligent Life Existing Across the Galaxy

By University of Nottingham

Volcanic Activity and Changes in Earth's Mantle Were Key to Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Volcanic Activity and Changes in Earth's Mantle Were Key to Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen

By University of Washington

Engineers Put Tens of Thousands of Artificial Brain Synapses on A Single Chip
Engineers Put Tens of Thousands of Artificial Brain Synapses on A Single Chip

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Increased Fertility for Women with Neanderthal Gene, Study Suggests
Increased Fertility for Women with Neanderthal Gene, Study Suggests

By Karolinska Institute

Synthetic Red Blood Cells Mimic Natural Ones, and Have New Abilities
Synthetic Red Blood Cells Mimic Natural Ones, and Have New Abilities

By American Chemical Society