Editorial Board Meeting of Sustainable Chemical Engineering

August, Virtual Conference
Abstract Submission
Acceptance Notification
Early Bird Registration
Covering Author Registration

Virtual Conference on

“Editorial Board Meeting of Sustainable Chemical Engineering”

Organized by  Editorial Office of Sustainable Chemical Engineering, Universal Wiser Publisher


(August, 2024)

Sustainable Chemical Engineering (SCE) is an international and open access journal focusing on the latest technological advances and significant cutting-edge research in green chemistry and sustainable engineering with topics coverage related to reducing or eliminating the use of generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products.


For journal development, the editorial office will hold the 1st Editorial Board Meeting.


Meeting Time:

Date: August 22nd 2024

Time: 3:00 p.m. (Singapore Time)


Meeting Agenda:

1. Welcome and Introduction (10 min.)

-Deliver a welcome speech and introduce the main purpose and agenda of the meeting.


2. Agenda Confirmation (5 min.)

-Review and confirm the meeting agenda.


3. Overview of Universal Wiser Publisher and SCE (10 min.)

-Introduction of UWP and SCE.


4. Journal Development Status (10 min.)

-Discuss the current development status of the journal and its current indexing status.


5. Publication Process (5 min.)

-Introduction of the Editorial Workflow.


6. Strategies for Successfully Joining ESCI and Scopus (15 min.)

-How to improve article quality, enhance the international diversity of authors, and increase journal visibility,etc.


7. Summary and Open Discussion (15 min.)

-Participants provide feedback or suggestions for the journal and discuss methods for improvement, etc.

Contact us:

Email: editorsce@universalwiser.com
