Virtual Conference on
“Editorial Board Meeting of Contemporary Mathematics”
Organized by Editorial Office of Contemporary Mathematics, Universal Wiser Publisher
(December, 2022)
Contemporary Mathematics is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal. Our ultimate goal is to make the journal an important source for publishing high quality papers related to the development of contemporary mathematics as well as a continuing and evolving source of interesting and relevant problems for researchers.
The scope of this journal includes theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies in all fields of mathematics and the mathematical sciences. A broad spectrum of topics are covered: mathematical theory, pure mathematics, algebra, geometry and topology, complex analysis, differential equations, industrial mathematics, computational mathematics, discrete mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical physics etc.
For journal development, the editorial office will hold the 1st Editorial Board Meeting.
Meeting Time:
Date: December 1st 2022
Time: 2:00 p.m. (Singapore Time)
Meeting Participants:
Wendy Zhang, Journal coordinator of Contemporary Mathematics
Ioannis K. Argyros, Cameron University, United States of America
Andreas Arvanitoyeorgos, University of Patras, Greece
Deng Ding, University of Macau, China
Youssri H. Youssri, Cairo University, Egypt
W. M. Abd-Elhameed, Cairo University Faculty of Science, Egypt
Kamyar Hosseini, Kamyar Hosseini, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Mehmet Yavuz, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Mario Versaci, “Mediterranea" University, Italy
Meeting Agenda:
Contact us:
Email: editorial-cm@wiserpub.com