We were happy to see the paper at its present state because the series of calls for revision had helped us to improve the paper. I learned more by publishing my paper with REDR. REDR encourages the inculcation of article writing art with the help of its finest reviewers. A taste of the pudding is in eating, try your paper publication with the REDR and enjoy the best of services that will give your paper an enthusiast read.
Every step of the process of publishing a paper in this journal required a high level of academic thoroughness, from a comprehensive review, editorial evaluation, acceptance, and publication. Reviewers meticulously read over the article and give constructive comments for improving it to an appropriate academic quality. The editorial team is supportive, collaborative, and they respond quickly to issues and remind you of deadlines. The citations and references are double-checked for accuracy. I gained a comprehensive continuous professional development experience publishing with this journal.
I had a pleasant experience with how the journal interacts with my article. The accuracy of the article reviewing as well as the speed of responses in each of the steps affected me. Thank you indeed.
In this era of open access publishing, I found the editorial and review processes in this journal to be professional and straightforward. I would not hesitate to publish in such a platform again because of its outreach and credibility.
During every moment, starting from precious preliminary information prior to publication, the editorial staff supports the authors with competence and speed. The relationships between author and referees are also facilitated by the diligence of the editorial staff. Finally, once acceptance is obtained, the process that leads to checking the galley proofs is quick and efficient. The only thing I add is to make a LaTeX template available
First and foremost I express my heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the editors/ review'rs/editorial staff for their efforts. it was with the co-operation, enthusiasm and spirit of the the editors/editorial office for their patience that we could make manuscript a grand success. I would like to mention it again--Thank you editors/ editorial staff and publishers.
The entire review process for Contemporary Mathematics was one of the best experiences I have had whilst submitting to a journal. The numerous reviweres were extremely thorough and punctual which made the entire journey smooth, and the end product error-free. I am grateful to the team of reviwers as well as to the editorial team for a fair and quick assessment. I truly encourage other mathematicians to submit their research to Contemporary Mathematics.
The journal of REDR has provided adequate help for this publication, especially the nice help from Ms. Wong. After the submission of the paper, the process of the review is effective and quick, and the service of assisting in the publication is excellent. The journal has followed up on the progress of publication in the whole process and given timely feedback. Given that, the publication of this paper can be promoted and completed smoothly. Thanks for the kind help from the journal and reviewers.